This is disk 523 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. BMake A GNU Make subset. Includes pattern rules, conditionals, "include", function calls, etc. This is Version 1.4, with source. Author: Ben Eng Conquest Lore of Conquest is a war game similar in concept to the board game Risk. You are the lord of an entire world, destined to rule the galaxy. Some worlds are virgin fruits, ready for you to colonize. Some worlds have natives who do not wish to accept your rule, these you must conquer for they will yield more valuable resources. As you claim the galaxy you will find, you are not the only one extending your dominion. This is a two-player game, so be prepared to defend yourself and take what is yours! Version 1.5, an update to version 1.3 on disk 459. Binary only, shareware. Author: Michael Bryant PSGraph A graphing program with plot previews and encapsulated postscript output. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Rick Golembiewski ScreenJaeger A screen capture program that works by scanning through memory, allowing you to grab screens from programs that don't multitask, and save them as IFF files. Features include an Intuition interface, multiple bitplanes, support of all Amiga display modes and resolutions, CHIP and FAST memory, overscan, and both NTSC and PAL. This is version 1.0, includes full C source. Author: Syd L. Bolton SerLib A shared library providing easy access to any serial device. Allows both synchronous and asynchronous access to the port. With support code for Lattice, Manx and Oberon. Includes examples in both C and Oberon (with source) and docs in ASCII, DVI, and PostScript. Shareware. Author: Garry Glendown, Oberon-interface by Frank Schummertz