This is disk 521 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. A68k A 68000 assembler originally written in Modula-2 in 1985 and converted to C by Charlie Gibb in 1987. Has been converted to accept metacomco-compatible assembler source code and to generate Amiga objects. This is version 2.71, an update to version 2.61 on disk 314. Include source. Author: Brian Anderson; C translation and Amiga work done by Charlie Gibb BatchMaster A program that makes creation of interactive command scripts a lot easier. It works as commands ASK, IF and SKIP together, only better. You can have up to four options to skip to, and select them with a mouse, as BatchMaster has an Intuition interface. This is version 1.27. Requires arp.library. Binary only. Author: Janne Pelkonen CheckPrt A small program for checking the presence of a parallel printer from within a script file. Update of version on disk 479. Now also includes two small tools to test the state of some lines of the printer port, to make it easier to find the source of printer problems. Binary only. Author: Tom Kroener K1 An editor program for the Kawai K1-II synthesizer. Includes a bankloader for single-patches and multi-patches, a single- patch editor, a multi-patch editor, and support for the effect-session and K1 controllers. Version 5.1, an update to version 4.8 on disk 481. Binary only. Author: Andreas Jung LandScape A simple CAD program to aid in designing garden layouts. First the plan is laid out, placing lawns, paths, plants, etc., and the program then draws a '3D' picture of what the garden might look like in real life, from any viewpoint. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Steve Goddard SynthSong A song created using the freely-distributable program MED V.3.00. Although quite small (63k) on disk, this one expands in memory once loaded, lasting almost 65 minutes. Player program included. Author: Alex Van Starrex T3E Converts any text file to an executable. The resulting program will only have a minimum of bytes appended (94 bytes for hunk structure and display-program). The text file is not limited by the size. Freeware, with source in C. Author: Garry Glendown