This is disk 516 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Enigma An interactive animation object that can be viewed as a puzzle or a game object. The Enigma! Machine can be programed by the user to generate text. Part of the challenge is to discover how to program it to generate meaningful output. Version 1.00, binary only. Author: Martin C. Kees Loom Simulation of an eight harness loom. Supports 15 colors for warp and weft threads. Scalable display. Patterns created can be printed in draft format or saved as IFF files. Version 1.00, binary only. Author: Martin C. Kees PhoneGram Generates text from phone numbers. Attempts to find all three and four letter words encoded by any phone number. Graphic keypad display with sound. Version 1.01, binary only. Author: Martin C. Kees Quotes Quotes is a pseudo-random quote generator. It will scan a specified file of quotes, pick one at random, and display it. Great for startup-sequences. CLI-only. Version 1.0, includes source. Author: Adam Evans RexxView Monitors messages sent to the REXX port. Messages are described by task, action code and modifiers, and the contents of arg0 slot is displayed. CLI utility to monitor the REXX IPC hub for Arexx programmers and interfacers. Version 1.01, includes JForth source. Author: Martin C. Kees Xl Demo version of a single bit-plane cel animation generator. Uses an onion-skin display to rough in an animation sequence. Has a large ARexx command set, multiple precision bezier curves and splines, scalable and rotatable polygons, brush support with blitter logic, turtle graphics and macro key definitions. Requires req.library (Fox/Dawson). Non-saving demo version, binary only. Author: Martin C. Kees