This is disk 154 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Ada An Ada Syntax checker for the amiga. Includes lex and yacc source. Author: Herman Fischer; updates by William Loftus AssemblyDemos A interesting group of assembly language demos for your visual and aural pleasure. Binary only. Author: Foster Hall DiskLib Two utilities for those people who like to split up PD disks into disks of different categories. Includes source. Author: Wilson Snyder Guardian Another virus diagnosing and vaccination program. Recognizes any non-standard bootblock. Includes a small utility program to permanently place the program on a copy of your kickstart disk in place of the seldom (if ever!) used Debug() function. Binary only. Author: Leonardo Fei PrintSpool A print-spooling program. Very useful for printing files in the background. Many command-line options. Version 1.0.0, Includes source. Author: Frangois Gagnon Utilities A group of four little utility programs, Cal, Undelete DClock and WhereIs. Binary only, see the ReadMe file for a description of each. Author: Dan Schein VirusX An update to the virus-detecting program of the same name on disk number 137. This version also checks for the Byte-Bandit strain. Version 1.21, Includes source. Author: Steve Tibbett Virus_Alert! Yet another anti-virus program with a twist. Once installed a message is displayed just after a warm or cold boot notifying the the user that the disk and memory are virus-free, and forcing a mouse-button press before continuing. Anything writing to the bootblock thereafter will destroy the message and a normal virus- infected boot (???) will take-place. Versions 1.01 and 2.01, Binary only. Author: Foster Hall Wicon A "Window Iconifier". Allows you to turn your windows into small icons which can be later recalled. Currently installed with MacWin to give your windows a "rubber- banding" effect. Version 1.14, Includes source. Author: Steven Sweeting