This is disk 145 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Csh This is a version of Matt's csh like shell which has been modified to provide file name completion and argument execution (via the grave accents mechanism). Requires ARP 1.1 to run. Binary only, but includes diffs for the reference 2.07 source base. Author: Matt Dillon; enhancements by Johan Widen DMouse Matt's done it again, another very useful program! This is a versatile screen blanker, mouse blanker, auto window activator, mouse accelerator, popcli style programmable command key, pop window to front, push window to back, etc, widget. Version 1.06, includes source. Author: Matt Dillon DNet A link protocol that provides essentially an unlimited number of reliable connections between processes on two machines, where each end of the link can be either an Amiga or a Unix (BSD4.3) machine. Works on the Amiga with any EXEC device that looks like the serial.device. Works on UNIX with tty and socket devices. Achieves better than 95% average throughput on file transfers. Version 1.20, includes sources for both the Amiga and Unix versions. Author: Matt Dillon Tab A tablature writing program for the Amiga, with intruments for a banjo and a string guitar. Binary only. Author: Jeff deRienzo TinyProlog VT-PROLOG is a simple prolog interpreter provided with full source code to encourage experimentation with the PROLOG language and implementations. Version 1.1, includes source. Author: Bill and Bev Thompson