This is disk 136 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AsmToolBox An assembler "toolbox" created to make interfacing between assembler programs and AmigaDOS easy. Includes source. Author: Warren Ring Bison A replacement for unix "yacc" command. This is from the GNU (GNU is Not Unix) effort. It is a port of the latest GNU version, done by William Loftus, with the goal of preserving all of bison's current features. Includes source and testing program "calc". Author: Bob Corbett and Richard Stallman. Iff2Pcs An interactive puzzle program that takes any IFF file containing up to 16 colors, and breaks it up into squares to make a puzzle which the user can then piece back together again. Version 1.1, an update to the version on disk 122, includes source. Author: Ali Ozer Paste A version of the Unix paste utility. Paste concatenates corresponding lines of the specified files into a single output line (horizontal or parallel merging) or concatenates them into alternate lines (vertical or serial merging). Includes source. Author: David Ihnat YaBoingII A game program demonstrating hardware sprite usage, including collision detection. This is an update to the version on disk 36. Includes source. Author: Ali Ozer, based on original by Leo Schwab Zoo A file archiver, much like "arc" in concept, but different in implementation and user interface details. Includes some nice features that "arc" lacks (such as file/path names up to 255 characters in length). This is version 1.71, an update to the version released on disk 108. Binary only. Author: Rahul Dhesi, Amiga port by Brian Waters