This is disk 734 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. PowerVisor A powerful machine language debugger and system monitor de- signed for the serious Amiga programmer. PowerVisor supports all Amigas and all processors (including the 68040). There are two versions, one for AmigaDOS 2.0 and one for AmigaDOS 1.3 (or 1.2). Among many other things, PowerVisor supports symbols and ARexx (with 215 different ARexx commands). It is also very customizable. The AmigaDOS 2.0 version supports online help with 'AmigaGuide' and is installable with the 2.0 Installer. This is version 1.20. Source for some examples is included. PowerVisor is shareware. Registered users can order the complete PowerVisor source. This is part 1 of a two part distribution. Part 2 is on disk 735. Author: Jorrit Tyberghein UCD A utility for changing the current directory that scans a disk and builds a file containing information about the directory structure that makes it possible for UCD to change directory to any directory in the scanned volume by simply naming the directory without pathname information. Version 1.0, share- ware, binary only. Author: Uffe Holst Christiansen