This is disk 698 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. SCRAM500 The first of a series of Public Domain "KitWare" hardware projects for the Amiga. On this disk you will find the design for an 8Meg RAM and SCSI controller for the Amiga 500 (SCsi RAM for the 500 = SCRAM 500). You will also find an order form to obtain PCB, chips and whatever you need to build one. The SCRAM 500 is easy to build, cheap and should be useful to a lot of people. Included in this distribution is complete documentation on how to assemble a SCRAM 500, notes for Amiga 1000 owners, a description of the custom chips, design notes, troubleshooting guide, user's manual, bill of materials, 12 HPGL plot files for schematics and PCB layout, hard drive partitioning software, a mountable device driver, a ROMable driver, and more! Author: Norman Jackson