This is disk 628 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. APrf A freely redistributable printing utility for the Amiga. Features include a full Intuition interface, preview function, page selection, margins setup, line numbering, an AREXX port, a multi-columns mode, and more. Includes both French and English versions. This is version 5.00, an update to version 2.62 on disk 402. Binary only. Author: Denis GOUNELLE Lothian Legend of Lothian is an adventure game in the vein of the Ultima game series. It was originally featured in the Sep 91 issue of the Jumpdisk Amiga disk magazine. You play the role of a humble shepherd who is summoned to a perilous task when your country's king is bewitched. You must set out in a dangerous land to find the clues that will enable you to revive your king and save your land. Includes colorful graphics, hordes of monsters to combat, helpful citizens to converse with, and puzzles to solve. Version 1.02, binary only. Author: David Meny Set040 A program to remap Kickstart V2.04 or greater from ROM into 32 Bit Ram on an Amiga equipped with a 68040 CPU, using the MMU, with optional parameters for greater compatibility between various 68040 boards and optional patch to stop drives from clicking. It can also load a different Kickstart than the one currently in ROM, manipulate both caches, and display information regarding some 68040 registers and modes. Version 1.14, an update to version 1.12 on disk 619. Includes source code in assembly. Author: Nic Wilson