This is disk 618 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Beach A great new animation from Eric Schwartz. In "A Day at the Beach", Flip the Frog and Clarisse the Cat head out for a day at the beach where they run into MoonDoggie. Needs 3Mb or more of memory. This is part 2 of 2. Part 1 is on disk 617. Author: Eric Schwartz Contact A memory resident "pop-up" program for maintaining a list of names, addresses and phone numbers, or other flat file data- base applications. Can print labels in up to four columns, to PostScript printers, or any preferences supported printer. Up to two phone numbers can be stored with each entry, and dialed automatically using pulse or tone dialing. Unique sorting feature allows the user to specify the sort key of each record. Addresses can be imported and exported via the clip- board, or output using the unique 'type' feature. Notes can also be associated with each entry, using your favorite editor. Has full ARexx support. Version 2.0, binary only. Author: Craig Fisher, CMF Software VCLI Voice Command Line Interface (VCLI) is an Amiga voice recog- nition program that learns and recognizes 48 spoken voice commands. Each voice command is associated with an Amiga CLI command that is executed when an incoming voice command is recognized. VCLI allows the execution of any Amiga CLI com- mand by voice. Requires the Perfect Sound 3 or Sound Master audio digitizer. This is Version 4.0, an update to version 2.0 on disk 542. Binary only. Author: Richard Horne VoiceDemo Illustrates the programming techniques required to use the voice.library to teach your Amiga to learn and recognize spoken voice commands. A simple program that will teach your Amiga to recognize and repeat back to you the spoken words "Peter ... Piper ... Picked ... A Peck Of ... Pickled Peppers." Include example source. Author: Richard Horne