This is disk 610 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. ATCopy A program to copy files from the Amiga side of a system equipped with a PC/AT bridgeboard, to the PC side, using wildcards. Copies directly through the shared memory. Supports CLI and WorkBench usage. This is an an update to version 2.2 on disk 458. Now includes an AREXX port. Share- ware, binary only. Author: Peter Vorwerk Graffiti Demo version of an art program, with a feature set somewhat less than DPaint but more than many other such programs. Has a few special functions included like autoscrolling, converting screens to other resolutions, changing RGB values of the whole screen, fast autoscrolling magnifier and many others. This is version 1.5, an update to version 1.01 on disk 531. Shareware demo, binary only. Author: Marcus Schiesser PCExecute A little program that allows you to execute programs on a bridge-board without opening a PC window. Includes source. Author: Peter Vorwerk