This is disk 554 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Amastermind A mastermind type game written in AMOS and compiled so that it can be run from workbench. Fully mouse and menu driven. Features choice of 6 to 10 colors with 4 to 8 holes. This is version 1.1, shareware, binary only. Full source avail- able from author. Author: Andrew Kreibich. IFSgen An Iterated Function System generator. Generates pictures of ferns, trees, galaxies, snowflakes and many others using IFS codes (a type of fractal). Features full mouse control of the functions which define the picture. Just point the mouse at one of the parts of the shape and drag it around the screen. Fully menu driven, with the ability to load and save IFF pictures and the codes that generate them. Fine tune codes and move them around the screen, zoom in and out and much more. Lots of example files. Written in AMOS and compiled so that you can run it from WorkBench. Version 2.1 shareware version with saves disabled, binary only. Requires 1 Mb of memory or more. Full source code available when you register. Author: Andrew Kreibich Landmine A game of logic. A number of landmines are buried in the playing field and you need to work out where they are, avoid them, and clear the rest of the field to get maximum points and advance to the next level. Written in compiled AMOS, requires 1Mb of memory or more. This is version 1.0, share- ware, binary only. Full source available from author. Author: Perry Rosenboom Landscape A fractal scenery generator written in AMOS and compiled so that it can be run from workbench. Features many user adjustable parameters such as height, sea, tree and snow levels, beaches, lighting angles, and palette. 2D (contour map) and 3D rendering. Some example sets of parameters provided. Ability to render in 5 different resolutions so that fast (10 seconds) previewing of a scene is possible. Fully detailed scenes take about 30 minutes. Version 1.1, shareware (saves disabled), binary only. Requires 1 Meg. Full source code available from author. Author: Andrew Kreibich. LVD A first defense utility against file and linkviruses. It patches the LoadSeg vector(s) and checks every executable that comes along. Recognizes 25 file or so linkviruses. Version 1.61, binary only. Author: Peter Stuer SubAttack A "shoot the ships" type of game based on an old arcade game where you have to fire your torpedos at the right time, so that they strike a ship as the ships move across the screen. This is version 1.0, shareware, binary only. Written in compiled AMOS. Full source available from author. Requires 1Mb or more of memory. Author: Perry Rosenboom