This is disk 244 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. BBChampion This is BootBlockChampionIII, a very nicely done program that allows you to load, save, and analyze any bootblock. This is version 3.1, binary only. Author: Roger Fischlin BootIntro This program creates a small intro on the bootblock of any disk, which will appear after you insert the disk for booting. The headline can be up to 44 characters. The scrolling text portion can be up to 300 characters. This is version 1.2, an update to version 1.0 on disk 188. Binary only. Author: Roger Fischlin FMC An alternative to the NoFastMem program. Uses a cute little switch gadget to turn fast memory on or off. Version 1.2, includes source in assembly code. Author: Roger Fischlin SizeChecker Size checker uses a list of possible sizes of a file to check for unexpected changes in the size of those files. For example, it can be used to spot a link virus or to point out changes in the configuration of your system. With the appropriate comments added to your size list, you can check to see what version of the files you are using (1.2, 1.3, 1.4, ARP, etc). Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Roger Fischlin TextDisplay A text display program, like "more" or "less", but about half the size and handles all screen formats (pal/ntsc, interlace/non-interlace, etc). This is version 1.52, an update to version 1.1 on disk 188. Binary only. Author: Roger Fischlin XColor A program designed to change the colors of any screen. You can also add and subtract bitplanes in the screen, or convert the screen to black and white (grayscale). Handles HAM and EHB screens. Version 1.2, includes source in assembly code. Author: Roger Fischlin