This is disk 146 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Blanker2 A screen blanking program that turns the screen black after 90 seconds of keyboard and mouse inactivity. Implemented as a very tiny event handler to the input handler event stream. Version 1.27.88, includes source. Author: Joe Hitchens C-Light A demonstration copy of a commercial ray tracing program, which is identical to the commercial version except that it has been limited to ten objects per scene. Binary only. Author: Ronald Peterson CrcLists Complete CRC check files for disks 129-141 and disks 143-145 of the library, using the crc program from disk 133. These were made directly from my master disks. Disk 142 is omitted because of a problem with the crc program. Author: Fred Fish DmeMacros A set of DME macros which utilize templates to turn DME into a language-sensitive editor for C, Pascal, Modula-2, and Fortran. Author: Jerry Mack MemoPad A shareware intuition-based memo reminder program. Nicely done. Version 1.1, binary only. Author: Michael Griebling