This is disk 447 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AmiBack Demo version of a new backup utility. Features include backup to any AmigaDOS compatible device (such as floppies, removable hard disks, fixed media hard disk, and tape drives), no copy protection, configuration files, complete backups, incremental backups, selective backups, file exclusion filter, setting of archive bit, etc. Demo version does not have restore, compare, or scheduler. Version 1.0, binary only, requires AmigaDOS 2.0. Author: MoonLighter Software BackPac Demo version of a new backup program. Features include intuition interface, data compression, 907K written per floppy, full and incremental backups, full or selected restores, inclusion/exclusion patterns, user defined config files, multitasking friendly. Version 1.3, binary only. Author: Canadian Prototype Replicas DFC Disk Format and Copy program. A nice, general purpose, disk formatter and copier. This is version 5, an update to the version on disk 131. Includes source. Author: Tom Rokicki and Sebastiano Vigna FlashBack Demo version of a new backup utility. Fully functional version except for the restore operation. Features include backup of multiple partitions in one pass, backup of non- AmigaDOS partitions, backup to a file, automated unattended backups, pattern matching, and streaming tape support. Version 2.05, binary only. Author: Leon Frenkel, Advanced Storage Systems SMan A Mandelbrot generation program. Uses the mouse to select regions within borders of the Mandelbrot set to zoom up to magnifications of 10**19. Includes math coprocessor support and options to save images as an IFF file. Shows example of assembly programming of extended precision for the 68881. Includes source. Author: David McKinstry TCL Port of Tool Command Language, a simple textual language intended primarily for issuing commands to interactive programs such as text editors, debuggers, illustrators, shells, etc. It has a simple syntax and is programmable so TCL users can write command procedures to provide more powerful commands than those in the built in set. Alpha 2 version, binary only. Author: Dr. John Ousterhout, Amiga port by Hackercorp