This is disk 416 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Budget A program to help with managing personal finances. Version 1.301, binary only. Author: Le Lay Serge Camille Clock Two programs to put clocks on the WB screen. The executables are small (2Kb) and take little processor time (1.5%) to run. Version 1.4. Both programs require ARP. Source in C is included. Author: Stuart Mitchell Intoxicated A nice little screen hack which affects the mouse. Saying any more would spoil the fun. Includes source. Author: Thomas Albers Quantizer FLCLQ color quantizer which converts 24 bit true color images into 256, or less, color images. Uses a fairly sophisticated algorithm, mixing median-cut, popularity, and a custom algorithm. Includes a version for Amiga's with a math coprocessor. Version 1.0, shareware, binary only. Author: Christophe Labouisse and Frederic Louguet SoundEditor An 8SVX stereo sound file editor written in assembly language for speed and minimum size. This is V.98, an update to V.80 on disk 355. Many new features including a working digitizer, raw loads, raw mac loads, time markers, rate converters, delay, ramp, filters, scroll, and it will iconify. Binary only. Authors: Howard Dortch, Mike Coriell, Matt Gerald Utils A group of small utility programs requiring ARP. "Du" displays the disk space used by a directory, "Head" displays the first lines of a file and "Cookie" displays a humorous message. All executables are very small (less than one disk block each). Assembly source is included. Author: Stuart Mitchell WTF WTF (Window To Front) is a little hack which brings a window to the front when double-clicked. Includes source. Author: Thomas Albers