This is disk 394 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Aniptrs3 Some more animated pointers to choose from to "liven" up your display environment. Other pointers from Bob are on disks 332 and 364. Binary only. Author: Bob McKain, pointer animation program by Tim Kemp 'Liner A shareware outliner whose function is to create outlines for notes or export to other programs. 'Liner can save an outline as ASCII text, and is clipboard compatible. Enhancements over the previous version include support for ARexx, Workbench, overscanned screens, more than one line of text per outline number, a preferences file, and search/replace. Version 2.00, an upgrade to version 1.32 on disk 285. Includes C source. Author: Dave Schreiber Pics Some miscellaneous pictures with a "cartoon" theme. Author: Bob McKain PrintImage A simple program that provides an easy way to print IFF ILBM images. Version 1.0, includes source. Author: Olaf 'Olsen' Barthel