This is disk 374 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. IPDevice Pipes for Power People. A pipe-like DOS device that passes data immediately rather than waiting until a buffer is full. It also allows multiple writers to a single channel, maintained connections, and piped connections to a Shell. Binary only. Author: Pete Goodeve Mat A comprehensive String-Search/Pattern-Match Utility for both text files and directories. A powerful command line syntax allows automatic file editing, construction of command scripts, and so on. Example Shell scripts are included. Binary only (a much enhanced version of the original on Disk #102). Author: Pete Goodeve. PopArt Intuition based image data generator and animator. Includes source. Author: Phlip SoftSpan Soft Span BBS program. Intuitive, command-line based menu system with message bases, uploads, downloads, file credit system, extensive help system, etc. Version 1.1, an update to that on disk number 343, includes bug fixes and some enhancements. Binary only. Author: Mark Wolfskehl