This is disk 355 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Berserker A viruskiller which checks for certain conditions indicating possible virus infection. Different from other programs of this kind, Berserker does not rely on checksums only, it will also check the possible virus behind the altered checksum. Therefore even new viruses with old infection methods can be traced and resident tools are not touched. Includes source in assembly language. Author: Ralf Thanner ImageEditor A simple to use graphics editor which allows you to draw and save images/sprites as assembler or C source code. Includes IFF support, undo, and an iconify function. Another feature is the small memory usage so you can use multitasking even on a 512K machine. Maximum picture size is 166*58 pixels. This is version 2.4 and includes source. Author: Robert Junghans LoadImage An IFF ILBM reader that accepts overscanned pictures, allows you to scroll around in the bitmap if the picture is larger than the current display, works on both PAL and NTSC machines, supports color cycling using interrupt code, and supports printing of image portions. Version 1.11, update to version 1.9 on disk 281, includes source. Author: Olaf Barthel RexxHostLib This is a shared library package to simplify the ARexx host creation/management procedure. Rexx-message parsing is also included making it possible to control ARexx from programs such as AmigaBASIC (can you imagine AmigaBASIC controlling AmigaTeX?). This is version 34.12 which has been recompiled and made a lot shorter using Aztec 'C' 5.0, an update to version 1.6 on disk 325. Includes source. Author: Olaf Barthel SoundEditor An 8SVX stereo sound file editor written in assembly language for speed and minimum size. Version V.8, binary only. Author: Howard Dortch, Mike Coriell, Matt Gerald TrackSalve A Trackdisk patch which removes all known bugs, and one unknown so far, and patches the Trackdisk task to allow various enhancements, such as reading good sectors from partially bad tracks, write verification, write protect simulation, auto motor off, auto update and turning off clicking. Other features are MFM-upate and I/O by non- chip buffers. This is version 1.3, an update of version 1.0 on disk 312. Includes source in C and assembler. Author: Dirk Reisig Tron Another game about the lightcycle race sequence in the science fiction computer film "Tron". One or two players and other options. Written in GFA-BASIC and then com- piled. Version 1.1, binary only. Author: Dirk Hasse