This is disk 331 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. CRobots A game based on computer programming. Unlike arcade type games which require human input controlling some object, all strategy in CRobots is condensed into a C language program that you design and write, to control a robot whose mission is to seek out, track, and destroy other robots, each running different programs. All robots are equally equipped, and up to four may compete at once. This is version 2.2w, an update to version 2.1w on disk 311. Binary only, source available from author. Author: Tom Poindexter, Amiga version by David Wright Csh Version 4.01a of a csh like shell derived from Matt Dillon's shell, version 2.07. This is an update to version 4.00a on disk 309. Changes include mostly bug fixes and corrections. Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon, Steve Drew, Carlo Borreo, Cesare Dieni Iff2Ex A program to convert IFF pictures to an executable. It can handle NTSC/PAL, interlace and overscan. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Pieter van Leuven LhArcA An intuitionized and faster version of lharc for the Amiga. Requires ARP library. Version 0.99a, binary only. Author: Haruyasu Yoshizaki, Amiga version by Stefan Boberg LVR Link Virus Remover. A program that recursively searches directories for link viruses in executable files. This is version 1.20, binary only. Author: Pieter van Leuven NTSC-PAL Utilities which allow Amigas with the new ECS 1Mb Agnus to easily switch between PAL and NTSC display modes. Version 1.0, includes source in assembly. Author: Nico Francois PatchLoadSeg This program patches the loadseg routine to automatically detect link viruses when a program is loaded. Displays an alert when a virus is detected in a program being loaded for execution. Version 1.20, includes source. Author: Pieter van Leuven VirusUtils Two programs to detect viruses on disk and in memory. Virushunter removes all known viruses in memory. Viruskiller removes all known viruses in memory and after removing the viruses the disks can be checked without the virus copying itself to the disks. Version 3.60, binary only. Author: Pieter van Leuven