This is disk 229 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. AlarmingClock A simple alarm clock program with a very alarming "ring", particularly if you hook it up to your stereo and turn up the volume. Includes source. Author: Brian Neal DrawMap A program for drawing representations of the Earth's surface. Can generate flat maps, mercator maps, a globe view, or an orbital view. Includes source. Author: Bryan Brown Emporos You are living on the island of Emporos, where several countries exist. Your goal is to make one of these countries your own. There is only one way to do this, and you have to find it out. Binary only. Author: Roland Richter esuoM A little screen hack that causes the mouse pointer to move in the opposite direction of the mouse. Includes source. Author: Rob Eisenhuth LeftyMouse Swaps the functions of the left and right mouse buttons so that Lefties can use the mouse with their left hands. Includes source. Author: Rob Eisenhuth Shuffle A basic screen shuffler. Re-defines the key combination Left-Amiga-M to push the FRONT screen to the back, instead of pushing the Workbench screen to the back. Includes source. Author: Rob Eisenhuth Sim A simulator for register-transfer nets, which are used to describe hardware systems. This version also provides a compiler to define new devices in addition to Sim's internal devices. Version 4.0, binary only. Author: Gotz Muller