This is disk 183 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. FixFd A utility for Amiga assembly programmers. FixFd will read a '.FD' file and output a file that can be 'INCLUDE'ed rather than having to link with the colossal 'Amiga.Lib'. Version 1.0, includes source in assembly. Author: Peter Wyspianski Mklib Another example of building a shared library that evolved from "Elib" on disk number 87. Also included is a library, Edlib, which contains several functions not included in the Manx standard libraries. Includes source. Author: Edwin Hoogerbeets with C-functions from several different authors PCQ A subset implementation of a freely-redistributable Pascal compiler. Supports include files, external references, records, enumerated types, pointers, arrays, strings and more. Presently does not support range types, the 'with' statement or sets. Version 1.0, includes source and sample programs. Author: Patrick Quaid