This is disk 126 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Colour A program to manipulate the colors of specific named screens, saving their current color sets to data files, loading new color sets from data files, or interactively changing the colors. Includes source. Author: John Russell Dance These two programs, "dancing polygons", are John's entry to the Badge Killer Demo Contest. They are variations of one another, but demonstrate the range of colors available on the Amiga. Includes source. Author: John Olsen HBHill This animation is one of Kevin's entries to the Badge Killer Demo Contest. It is the first known animation that makes use of the Amiga's "Extra Half Brite" mode. Author: Kevin Sullivan Iconify A subroutine that creates an icon on the Amiga screen that can be subsequently dragged around, and double- clicked on. You can use this to have your programs "iconify" themselves to temporarily get out of the user's way. Includes source and demo program. Author: Leo Schwab OnlyAmiga This animation is Iqbal's entry to the Badge Killer Demo Contest. It consists of tree balls being juggled by pyramids rotating on their tops. Author: Iqbal Singh Hans Suplib The support library needed to rebuild various programs of Matt's from the source, including DME, DTERM, etc. Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon VCheck Version 1.2 of the virus detection program from Commodore Amiga Technical Support. This version will test for the presence of a virus in memory, or on specific disks. Binary only. Author: Bill Koester.