This is disk 118 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Empire This is a complete rewrite, from the ground up, in Draco, of Peter Langston's Empire game. Empire is a multiplayer game of exploration, economics, war, etc, which can last a couple of months. Can be played either on the local keyboard or remotely through a modem. This is version 1.0, shareware, and includes source code. Author: Chris Gray, original game by Peter Langston HAMmmm This is Phil's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest. HAMmmm displays lines whose end points are bouncing around the screen, which is a double buffered HAM screen. The Y positions of the points are continuously copied into an audio waveform that is played on all four channels, and the pitch of a just intoned chord is derived from the average X position of these points. Includes source in JForth. Author: Phil Burk Stars Hobie's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest. Based on original code by Leo Schwab, has credits longer than the actual demo. Runs on 512K Amiga. Binary only. Author: Hobie Orris WireDemo Matt's entry for the Badge Killer Demo Contest. Demonstrates the Amiga's line drawing speed. Runs on a 512K Amiga. Includes source. Author: Matt Dillon