This is disk 95 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. Below is a listing of the significant directories and their contents. Cmd Cmd redirects the serial.device or parallel.device output to a file. Useful for capturing print jobs for debugging or "offline" printing. Version 4, includes source. Author: Carolyn Scheppner CygnusEdDemo Demo version of CygnusEd, an editor from CygnusSoft Software. CygnusEd supports simultaneous editing of multiple files, multiple views of the same file, very fast display, margins, word-wrap, status-lines, insert/overstike mode, online help, soft scroll borders, screen overscan, adjustable tab size, macros, text formatting options, block/line/word cut/copy, and more. Also includes demo 3.0 version of MandFXP. Binary only. Author: CygnusSoft Software Gomf Gomf stands for "Get Outa My Face", a phrase many a programmer has mumbled when a Guru alert appears unexpectedly. This interesting little program can generally make the Guru go away and allow you to clean up and shutdown more cleanly. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Christian Johnsen Journal Journal is a program that records a sequence of mouse and keyboard events as they occur and stores them in a file. The file can be played back with another program, also supplied, which causes the same sequence of events to occur again. Very useful for creating demonstrations of programs or documenting repeatable bugs. Version 1.0, binary only. Author: Davide Cervone MergeMem Program which attempts to merge the MemList entries of sequentially configured ram boards. When successful, allows allocating a section of memory which spans board boundries. This is version 2, an update to the version released on disk 56. Includes source. Author: Carolyn Scheppner PrinterStealer A program similar in function to "Cmd" that allows diversion of output destined for the printer to a file for future output or debugging purposes. Binary only, source available from authors. Author: Alex Livshits and J-M. Forgeas Record-Replay A program, similar in function to "Journal", that records and plays back mouse and keyboard events. Binary only, source available from authors. Author: Alex Livshits and J-M. Forgeas