============================== README.list63 ============================== This is disk 63 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This disk contains a port of the popular UNIX game "Larn", done by Edmund Burnette and the crew at the Software Distillery. This is version 12.0B. The disk is unchanged except for the following: (1) I have added this file, README.list63. (2) I have added the standard distribution info file, README.dist. (3) I have copied all the files to a freshly formatted disk, to create the master distribution disk, using a command of the form "copy df0: to df1: all". This insures that disk fragmentation is kept to a minimum, but also has the unfortunate side-effect that all the file dates are changed. Note that this disk must be named "Larn". I have elected to keep that name, rather than using the usual "AmigaLibDiskXX" convention for disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before using it. Also note that, as distributed, this disk is only about 40% full. Normally I try to fill my library disks to about 90-95% full, but these "packaged" disks are special. -Fred =========================================================================