============================== README.list62 ============================== This is disk 62 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. This disk contains a port of the popular UNIX game "Hack", done by John Toebes and the crew at the Software Distillery. This is version 1.0.3D. The disk is unchanged except for the following: (1) I have added this file, README.list62. (2) I have added the standard distribution info file, README.dist. (3) I have copied all the files to a freshly formatted disk, to create the master distribution disk, using a command of the form "copy df0: to df1: all". This insures that disk fragmentation is kept to a minimum, but also has the unfortunate side-effect that all the file dates are changed. Note that this disk must be named "Hack_Game". I have elected to keep that name, rather than using the usual "AmigaLibDiskXX" convention for disks in my library, to avoid requiring users to rename the disk before using it. -Fred =========================================================================