============================== README.list38 ============================== This is disk 38 of the freely distributable AMIGA software library. CSquared Implementation of Circle Squared algorthm from Sept '86 Scientific American "Computer Recreations" column. Produces wildly colorful but mathematically precise patterns. Author: Bill DuPree FixObj Strip extraneous garbage off the end of object files transfered with xmodem. Does not require preknowledge of actual file length, uses knowledge of Amiga file structure. Version 1.1 (update to copy on disk #10). Author: John Hodgson Handler An example that implements an AmigaDos Handler (device) in non-BCPL format. Author: Phillip Lindsay Hp-10c Program that mimics an HP-10c (Hewlett Packard calculator), written in TDI Modula2. Author: Duncan Prindle IffDump Two programs for manipulating IFF files. IFFENCODE grabs an active screen and writes it to a file in IFF format. IFFDUMP decodes information in arbitrary IFF files and prints it in a human readable form. Author: Matt Dillon Jsh A simple command line interpreter drawing on features from the BSD C shell. Author: Jim Kent NewStat Replacement program for the AmigaDOS STATUS command. Prints task number, priority, address of process, command line being executed, current directory, etc. Author: James Synge Reversi Program to play reversi game. Version 6.1. Author: Manuel Almudevar UUdecode Programs to encode/decode binary files for transmittal via mail, or other text-only methods. Binary file is expanded by approximately 35% for transmittal. Author: Mark Horton Vdraw Drawing program, based on freedraw, but now transformed and enhanced beyond recognition. This is version 1.14. This shareware program (suggested $15 donation) was submitted by the author for inclusion in the library. Author: Stephen Vermeulen VoiceFiler Voice filer program for Yamaha DX series synthesizers. Voices are transfered to and from the Amiga over MIDI. Author: Jack Deckard Window Sample program which shows how to create a DOS window in a custom screen. Author: Andy Finkel =========================================================================