KAWAI K4 EDITOR V1.0 (c) 1990 by Jan Saucke ---------------------------------------------- Contactaddress: Jan Saucke Hermannstal 112 2000 Hamburg 74 (West) Germany First a general information: This program is Shareware. If You decide to use it, just send me a suitable sum (5$ - 10$, Banknotes). And of course I would like to receive any feedback in form of selfmade KAWAI-K4-Sounds, appeared bugs and hints to im- prove this program. Now something about the program-environment: - the directory-strukture on the disk shouldnīt be changed. - it has to look at least like this: devs (dir) serial.device libs (dir) midi.library Midi (dir) All (dir) SingleOne (dir) KawaiEditor KawaiEditor.info KawaiEditor.txt - a possible Startup-Sequence is: setmap usa addbuffers df0: 30 cd midi KawaiEditor - one All-Dump uses 15123 bytes disk-space, a Single-Dump only 140 bytes. - the KAWAI keyboard should transmit and receive on midi- channel 1. - the knowledge of special KAWAI terms is useful. I think it would be the best, if You put the KAWAI manual next to the computer, so You can look up the funktions of some of the parameters. And now to the program itself: It is devided into different program-levels, of which the All-Level and the Single-Level are implemented (Iīm working on the Multi-, Effect- and Drum-Level). The All-Level: - After running the editor, You are in the All-Level, with the following funktions available: RECEIVE ALL - makes the keyboard sending an All-Dump, which is stored in the AMIGA RAM. (During the transmission there is "BUSY" dis- played on the screen, after ending there will appear "DUMP RECEIVED" or an error massage.) TRANSMIT ALL - sends an ALL-Dump from AMIGA to KAWAI, which has been loaded from disk or received from KAWAI before. LOAD ALL - loads a dump from disk (the given name in the filerequester can be changed, also the given path.) SAVE ALL - saves a dump on disk (s. LOAD) DELETE ALL - delete a dump from disk (handle with care) GOTO SINGLE - go into the Single-Bank-Level GOTO MULTI - (in preparation) GOTO DRUM - (in preparation) GOTO EFFECT - (in preparation) QUIT - end the editor. Before You go into the Single-Bank-Level, itīs suggestive to load or receive an ALL-Dump as a working basis. The Single-Bank-Level: Here You can create a single bank with 64 single sounds. For having a better view You can also print the bank. RECEIVE BANK - (not yet) TRANSMIT BANK - (not yet) PRINT BANK - print the Single-Bank (uses about 1/2 page) LOAD BANK - (not yet) SAVE BANK - (not yet) DELETE BANK - (not yet) COPY SINGLE - to copy a sound, You have to click on it to select it. Then click on "COPY SINGLE" and finally on the position to be copied to. SWAP SINGLE - to swap two sounds, select one, then click on "SWAP SINGLE" and after that on another sound. LOAD SINGLE - loads a sound from disk into the selected position. MENU BACK - back to the All-Level A single bank can be saved/transmitted by going back to the All-Level and choosing the wanted funktion. To get from the Single-Bank-Level into the One-Single-Level You can click once on a selected sound or twice on any other. The One-Single-Level: In this Level You can edit the sounds, finally. Besides the pure parameter-editing, there are the following funktions available: RECEIVE - receive a sound from the keyboard (the key- board will be switched to the current sound automatically (for insiders: by using pro- gram-change) TRANSMIT - the current sound will be transmitted to the keyboard. PRINT - the values of the parameters of the current sound are printed (uses about one page). CLEAR - the current sound will be cleared (only in AMIGA memory, if You want to clear it also in the keyboard, just transmit the cleaed sound. If You havenīt transmitted it, You can restore a cleared sound easily by receiving it.) LOAD - a Single-Sound will be loaded from disk and transmitted to the keyboard automatically, so You can test many sounds from disk easily. SAVE - saves a sound DELETE - deletes a sound MENU BACK - back to the Single-Bank-Level, the current sound will be copied with all its changes into the AMIGA All-buffer. UNDO+BACK - back to tha Single-Bank-Level, the current sound will not be copied into the All-buffer, all changes will be lost. - the changing of the parameter-values are transmitted to the keyboard immediately, so You can listen to the result at once. - the changing follows allways the same pattern, so I will only explain the general handling and some special features: - to change the value of a parameter, just click on it. Then there will appear an input-mask in the upper screen-area. - the input bar is used by moving the red line with the mouse. Pressing the mouse-button left or right outside the bar will change the value +/- 1. If You click on a Zero-box, the value of the current parameter will be 0. - a multiple-choice-input is made simply by clicking on the given words. - in the lower screen area there is displayed some deeper information to the transmitted data (like address, parameter, bitpattern, s. KAWAI manual) - to end the editing of the current parameter, just click on another one or on one of the funktions (LOAD,SAVE etc.). - Special hints: - to edit another single-sound, You can click on LOAD, RECEIVE or the single-name. Then you can choose from 64 possibilities (A 1 - D 16). - if You click on the single-name, this name will be displayed in the upper screen area on the right. Just click on the name in the box and You can type in a new name. - the fields S1 S2 S3 S4 are to select the source You want to edit (s. KAWAI manual) - the fields FILT1 and FILT2 are to select a filter (for insiders: Filter 2 is not send by parameter-send, yet. You canīt hear the changes immediately, but only after an extra Single- transmit/receive. Thatīs because I donīt know how to send the data of filter 2 by parameter-send. Maybe itīs KAWAIīs fault, maybe itīs mine. But if anybody knows, how to do this, please let me know) - the waveform is displayed in clear text (s. KAWAI manual), below the text "DCO..." Thatīs for now. And donīt forget: Iīm waiting for own sounds, questions and hints.