Disk No: 2725 Disk Title: Robomaze II PC-SIG Version: S1.1 Program Title: Robomaze II Author Version: 1.10 Author Registration: $15.00/$30.00 Special Requirements: Graphics card. Joystick compatible. ROBOMAZE II - THE LOBBY is the first in a series of three unique action arcade games, each one building on the other. You are a Freedom Fighter who must regain control of the Tower and the Dome to free your country from an oppressive dictator. To accomplish this, you will be commanding the prototype Stalker robot. The Stalker is capable of moving left and right, as well as jumping. At the beginning of the game, you have only the limited firepower of a gun. As you acquire money and explore more levels, more powerful weapons become available. ROBOMAZE II - THE LOBBY has 40 levels filled with 15 different types of robots whose job it is to protect the Tower. During your assault, you will encounter keys that open doors and chests, land mines and spikes that will hamper your progress, and moving platforms that can squash the stalker like an empty can. Along the way, you will find hearts that give you health, ammunition for your weapons, and even special attacks that do anything from making the enemy robots shoot each other to making you invisible for a short time. ROBOMAZE II accepts keyboard and joystick input. However, some commands must be entered from the keyboard, while others can be executed using a joystick. The game can be played on a CGA system but the 640X200 16 color-resolution graphics really shine on EGA or VGA monitors. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1991 PC-SIG, Inc.