* 6-7-1987 Harry Carver. * Printer Definition for panasonic KX-P1080i * please note I have not completely tested these, * they are what the manual says the correct codes ARE. *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following options are set immediately. They are not activated * by parameters. *-------------------------------------------------------------------- PRINTER: panasonic KX-P1080i DOT * DOT LETTER LASER INIT 27 109 3 * SELECT IBM GRAPHIC PRINTER MODE II * INIT 27 109 2 * SELECT IBM GRAPHIC PRINTER MODE I * INIT 27 109 1 * SELECT IBM MATRIX PRINTER MODE * INIT 27 109 0 * SELECT STANDARD MODE TOPMARGIN 0 BOTMARGIN 0 LINELEN 80 LINESPAGE 58 * Printable lines per page *MICSPACE 27 65 n 27 2 * SET MICRO SPACING to n 72nds of an inch * replace n with number (IBM PRINITER MODE). * n must be between 0 and 85. *MICSPACE 27 65 n * SET MICRO SPACING to n 72nds of an inch (standard * mode). FORMLENL 27 67 66 * set form length in lines 66 = 66 lines *FORMLENI 27 67 0 11 * Set form length in inches 11 = 11 inches * length must be between 1 and 22. FFEED 12 * Form Feed Character *-------------------------------------------------------------------- * The following parameters are activated by parameters *-------------------------------------------------------------------- COMPON 27 15 * set compressed print * note: not valid when in elite pitch. COMPOFF 18 * note: does not release compressed mode if * printer switch is on "COMP." EXPAND 27 14 1 * SET double width print (elongated). EXPANDOFF 27 87 0 EMPH 27 69 * sets printing to 2x the original horizontal dot EMPHOFF 27 70 * density DOUBLE 27 71 * double strike printing (paper advanced 1/216" * between 1st & 2nd pass). DOUBLEOFF 27 72 NLQ 27 120 1 * near letter quality NLQOFF 27 120 0 *DLFONT 27 37 1 0 * Download font off *DLFONTOFF 27 37 0 0 PERFSKIP 27 78 4 * set number lines to skip over perfs (4) * must be between 1 and 127 PERFSKIPOFF 27 79 ONEDIR 27 85 1 * print in only 1 direction ONEDIROFF 27 85 0 8LPI 27 48 6LPI 27 50 12CPI 27 58 * SELECTS ELITE PITCH (IBM PRINTER MODE). 12CPIOFF 18 ITALIC 27 4 * ITALICS MODE ITALICOFF 27 5 PROPORTIONAL 27 112 1 * PROPORTIONAL SPACING BETWEEN CHARACTERS PROPORTIONALOFF 27 112 0 AUTOJUST 27 97 3 * enables auto justification of a print line *CHARSET 27 54 * Select char set 2 27 55 = char set 1 *CHARSETOFF 27 55