COST OF LIVING MODULE This module takes you through a fairly exhaustive routine to input your cost of living in today's dollars. During calculations the program assumes that all income above this amount goes into savings and begins to draw interest. So don't fool yourself, be sure you have described a budget that you can live within. This is probably the most common and most serious mistake made in planning a retirement. Expenses not subject to inflation are identified in this module so that future years livng cost are not pushed unrealistically high by inflation. Planned major expenses after retirement are provided for in this module as are planned cash collections which you may be counting on. It is recommended that at least one large contingency expense be entered into some future year. Other income such as a spouse's pension may be totaled and added into this module along with the level in percent with which that income will match inflation. If you feel that your costs of living will decline as you get older you can adjust for that amount in today's dollars. The reduction will start in the year you become, or would have become, 70 years old.