Disk No: 2129 Disk Title: Ole! 2000 Set 1 PC-SIG Version: SG-1 Program Title: OLE! 2000 SET 1 Author Version: G-1 Author Registration: $15.00 Special Requirements: None. OLE! 2000 SET 1 is a novel way of learning a language -- in short bursts and with a lot of variety. Various complete phrases are presented as expressions, with alternative verb usage, and even in short stories. By selecting one unit of 20 translations at a time, the user has unique control over the material covered, and his/her learning progress. The program's unique integration of rewarding statements and musical tunes makes for an enjoyable learning experience. It's for the serious student or teacher who wants a challenging but rewarding tool for learning written Spanish. When you've learned the material presented in the 40 units of this introduction, a nominal registration fee will get you 60 additional units of advanced material (all of which span the first college semester). Besides this material and also receiving additional program tools for constructing and editing your own additional units, a special tourist disk and audio cassettes are also available. PC-SIG 1030D East Duane Avenue Sunnyvale Ca. 94086 (408) 730-9291 (c) Copyright 1989 PC-SIG, Inc.