ENG - Contact FBY 'Musician' if you want good music for your game, demo or BBS. ITA - Contatta FBY 'Musician' se hai bisogno di un musicista d'esperienza che sonorizzi i tuoi giochi o i tuoi demo. FRA - Si tu as besoin d'un musicien qui sonorise tes jeux ou tes demos appelle FBY 'Musician'. ENG - FBY is available for everybody and for any requirement. ITA - FBY e' disponibile per tutti e per tutte le tue esigenze. FRA - FBY est disponible pour tous et pour toutes tes exigences. ENG - Over 300 Modules composed in 6 years of activity. ITA - Piu' di 300 Moduli composti in 6 anni di lavoro su AmigaTrackers. FRA - Plus de 300 Modules composes en 6 ans d'activite' sur AmigaTrackers. ENG - Fby has experience in the following music styles: ITA - Generi musicali nei quali FBY ha esperienza: FRA - FBY a del'experience pour les genres musicaux suivants: Fiction - Athmos - Action - Thriller - Horror - Classic - Melodies - Ethnic - Rock-Jazz - Blues - Relax - Videogame - Disco - Techno - Rave - Underground - Comic - Demential ________ _______ __ ___ / ____/ / ___ \ \ \ / / / /___ / /__/ / \ \/ / / ____/ / ___ _/ \ / / / / /__/ \ / / /__ / o /_________/ o /__/ o M U S I C I A N Tel +39-55-8307311 or 602214 Fax +39-55-6499351   BBS +39-55-499038 (SystemShock - Amiga) or +39-75-6979417 (SideFX - PC Site) Fido (soon!!) Internet fby@shock.nervous.com Greetings go to: --------------- Bernie (of XModule) All SoftOne's members (Kloop, Raffa, Philip, Rock, Negative, etc..) Jolly Workers (Ciao Luca!) Sonox Destiny (hi friends!) Kallestrup Terje Hagen Alpha (Legend Design) Virgill Francesco Oliviero ... Oliveiro ... ehm ... Oliverio! Cleo & Ray Delta and Echo of PitPlane ... all loving muzac ... respect go to: -------------- SideWinder (Amiga rule!!!) Jogeir of Noiseless Raphael Gesqua (I love Paris as you love my Florence...) Heat Beat Special Greetings: ------------------ ... go to S A T U R N E group !!!