The SciEng Library is a collection of all existing freely distributable (Public Domain, freeware, shareware, etc.) science and engineering files for professionals and students using PCs. The collection is available on CD-ROM and 1.44MB diskettes. A directory database accompanying the library is a dBASE compatible .DBF file with search program. The directory database and library are updated at least every two months. Ordering information.
A ZIPed text file listing all known Science oriented shareware for the PC found on BBSes in the USA , organized by type, with release date and short description can be found as SCIE19.ZIP on many BBSes and SimTel mirrors. EMS also produces a list of Science/Engineering shareware producers, with name, address, phone, fax, BBS, 800, email, web, etc. information.
The following are counts of Public Domain, Shareware and free products in the SciEng Library:
Total PD/Shareware files in library: 618
Total 1.44MB disks in Library: 82
Total bytes in library: 117944662