Web Advertising on
EMS Prof. Shareware's Pages

Last updated 11 February 1996

EMS currently has three categories of pages, each of which has 18 technical subject areas, available for display advertising. Subjects of pages include:

Assembler, C, C++, AutoCAD, MS-Access, Clarion, CA-Clipper, Delphi, FoxPro, NetWare, Paradox, Pascal, Science/Engineering, Spreadsheet, QuickBasic/VBDOS/PDS, and Visual Basic.

For each subject of product, EMS posts web pages listing (using our VB Library as an example):

To introduce our new advertising service, we're allowing the first qualified ad on each web page to run for free. The ad can be a short block of text (254 characters or less) or a graphic of maximum size 300x60 pixels. We're new to this, so we'll try to be flexible until standards are set. If text, send the text to eengelmann@worldbank.org. If a graphic image, send us the URL on your site where the graphic will be maintained (so you can change it as often as you wish) or send the file to the same EMail address as a MIME attachment. Hopefully, we'll have an FTP site for ad uploads soon.

At least initially, ads must be related to the subject matter of the list. For example, to place an ad in the AutoCAD producer addresses list, you must be selling an AutoCAD product or service. We're flexible on this, so ask if you think it's something we should try.

While we're figuring this out, ads will run for free, but we're thinking the price will be $.01 per hit once things are working smoothly. A typical page draws 500 to 1500 hits per week. Minimum contracts will probably be $50, and will probably require a $50 pre-payment before running the ad. EMS can do credit card sales for your convenience.

Send suggestions/corrections to ems@wdn.com