Pdx Utility Library
The Pdx Utility Library is a collection of all freely distributable
(Public Domain, freeware, shareware, contribution requested, demo
code, etc.) source code, utilities, applications, etc. for Borland
Paradox for DOS and Windows developers. The collection is available
on CD-ROM or 1.44MB diskettes. A directory database
accompanying the library is a dBASE compatible .DBF file with
DOS search program. The database also lists all existing commercial
products, for one stop shopping for all existing Paradox tools.
The directory database and library are updated at least every
two months. Ordering information.
A ZIPed text file listing all known Public Domain and Shareware
Paradox products found on BBSes in the USA , organized by type,
with release date and short description can be found as PDXU19.ZIP
on many BBSes and SimTel mirrors. EMS also
produces a list of Paradox tool producers,
with name, address, phone, fax, BBS, 800, Email, web, etc. information.
The following are counts of Public Domain, Shareware and free
products in the Paradox Utility Library.
- Alias - 1
- Animation - 2
- Applications - 39
- Arrays - 3
- AutoIncrement - 1
- Backup - 1
- Barcode - 3
- Benchmarking - 2
- Browse - 5
- Bug Fix - 1
- Buttons - 21
- Calculated Fields - 2
- Clones - 2
- Code Management - 7
- Communication - 23
- Compiler - 2
- Configuration - 6
- Containership - 2
- Converter - 25
- Crosstab - 4
- Data Compression - 2
- Data Dictionary - 6
- Data Entry - 8
- Data Model - 5
- Date - 28
- DDE - 4
- Debugger - 12
- Demonstrator - 1
- Development - 9
- Dialog Box - 33
- Directory - 23
- Display - 1
- Distribution - 3
- DLL - 1
- Documentor - 45
- Duplicate - 1
- Editor - 7
- Editor Support - 11
- Education - 1
- Error Handler - 3
- Event Model - 12
- Experts - 1
- Export/Import - 18
- File Management - 10
- Filters - 1
- Finance - 6
- Forms - 43
- Forms, Multiple - 3
- Games - 9
- Graphics - 22
- Hardware Info. - 6
- Help - 18
- Icons - 4
- Index - 6
- Information - 58
- Installation - 2
- Interface - 9
- Internals - 1
- Internationalizatn - 1
- Internet - 1
- Keyboard - 4
- Library - 13
- Locate - 4
- Look Up - 2
- MailMerge - 3
- Math - 14
- Memo Fields - 13
- Memory - 3
- Menu - 33
- Merge - 1
- Misc. - 62
- Network - 22
- Obj-Oriented Prgm. - 3
- Object, Properties - 1
- ODBC - 1
- PAL Extension - 4
- Patch - 11
- Pick List - 13
- Picture Value - 2
- Printer Control - 14
- Program Generator - 10
- Program Launcher - 4
- Progress - 9
- PXEngine - 20
- Query - 19
- Record - 1
- Record Move - 3
- Reference - 44
- Repair - 13
- Report - 43
- Runtime - 1
- Screen Control - 24
- Search - 15
- Security - 13
- Setkey - 3
- Sort - 1
- Sound - 7
- Soundex - 5
- Speedbar - 8
- Spell Check - 5
- SQL - 17
- String Function - 32
- Structure - 25
- Style Sheets - 1
- Tabbed Notebook - 3
- Table Frame - 10
- Table Packing - 1
- Tables, Compare - 1
- Tables, Copying - 1
- Tabulation - 1
- Text Editing - 1
- Timer - 1
- Tool Box - 15
- Translator - 4
- Tutorial - 20
- User Interface - 9
- User Messages - 4
- Validation - 15
- Variables - 1
- VBX - 2
- Version Control - 1
- Video - 2
- Windows - 22
- Workspace - 16
- Zipcode etc. - 6
Total PD/Shareware files in library: 1269
Total 1.44MB disks in Library: 49
Total bytes in library: 75863944