EMS Professional Shareware

Contact Information (phone, fax, bbs, address, ftp, etc.) EMS Professional Shareware, EMS Consulting, and EMS Publishing are part of EMS. EMS Professional Shareware produces the world's largest, best indexed, most current, etc. collections of technical shareware for PC programmers, consultants, AutoCAD and NetWare specialists. Our brochure is also available "ZIPed" in PostScript format. If you need an order form, we also have a ZIPed PostScript order form.

A variety of special services for sysops of electronic bulletin boards and managers of information services are also available. EMS also has jobs for serious collectors of technical shareware. Day to day activities are run by Operations Manager Steve Heineman.

Each of EMS's technical libraries include an extensive database directory (in dBASE format) and DOS and or Windows search programs so that you can search for products by type, name, producer name, ZIP file name, or free text search. Most databases also include information on all commercial products.

All products are available on CD-ROM and diskettes, and are updated at least every two months. EMS is currently shipping June 1995 editions, and expects to ship August versions August 1. Ordering information.

EMS currently offers: