BABY STUFF!!, a great developemental tool for infants to learn colors, shapes and hand eye coordination! Baby Stuff!! is meant for infants from 18 months to 3yrs. The child will pound on the keyboard till his hearts content, create random patterns of shapes and colors. This programs also allows the parent to teach the child basic colors and shapes. When the child is done or to change setup: Press Esc then Press F12, this was done so that the child does not accidently hit the setup key. The Mouse can only be used on the setup screen. If you find this enjoying to your child and a help in the developement of your son or daughter, send a mere $5.00 to Baby Stuff!! Software and receive a catalog of other windows educational software, like flash cards, animals, letters and numbers, etc. Baby Stuff!! Software 842 E. Clinton Fresno, CA 93704 Thoughts, advice, concepts, ideas, mindless chatter, and the like are of course accepted free of charge. INSTALLATION ------------ Copy the following files into your windows directory: VBRUN200.DLL THREED.VBX Copy BABY.EXE to any directory you wish, then create an icon in windows for the program by following these steps. 1) click on the program group in which you wish to place the ICON. 2) select the FILE menu, and NEW 3) select Program ITEM 4) in the dialog box, type in "Baby Stuff!!" or what ever description you choose then click on the COMMAND LINE text Box 5) Type in the directory and BABY.EXE (i.e. "C:\windows\baby.exe") --OR-- 1) RUN File Manager from the "MAIN" group 2) Size the File Manager Window so that it is small enough to see the group window in whch you want to place the icon. 3) In File Manager find the directory in which you copied BABY.EXE 4) In the file list, click and drag the BABY.EXE file up onto the group and release the mouse button. Windows creates the icon automatically. Cool. P.S. Most keyboards should have no problems having child pound on them, they are made pretty tough. (My 18 mo. pounded for a good half hour testing the program) However, of course the maker of this software can except no responsibility for a broken keyboard or any other equiptment. No warranty is expressed, implied, wanted, hoped for, or needed. There is absolutely no liability assumed by the manufacturer, in any way, for any reason, or cause. That should do it. Enjoy.