DoomDump can now dump out all the structures in the WAD file. You can also specify any WAD file resource name and it will dump only that resource. If you specify a mission name, DoomDump will dump all ten resources that belong to that mission. If you know the format of the music, sound, or endoom resources send me some email. Have fun! Steve DoomDump 0.9 Written by: Steve Simpson, Future Vision Inc Internet: doomdump arguments ------------------ doomdump WadFilename brief list of everything in the wad file doomdump WadFilename brief brief list of everything in the wad file doomdump WadFilename med add disk locations and sizes doomdump WadFilename full full dump entire WAD file to text doomdump WadFilename E1M1 full dump of entire E1M1 mission doomdump WadFilename sarge1 full dump of SARGE1 to text doomdump WadFilename playpal full dump of the palettes to text doomdump WadFilename colormap full dump of the color maps to text