Do you ever feel it's too easy to just walk into a room in Doom, select God mode, give yourself happy ammo, press the fire button to clear the room, then on to the next one? Well give yourself God mode, type IDKFA and try to catch these little buggers. The monsters and soldiers of doom are finally learning that you don't just stand in front of an invincible warrior with the BFG 9000 pointing right at them and expect to win with a pea gun. Welcome to target practice! The Doom way of playing TAG! You might have more fun chasing 'em around than shooting them, but you'll never miss a target again after this practice! Put all the files you just unzipped into your doom directory, which are: TAG.DEH TAG.BAT UNDOTAG.BAT UNDOSND.BAT BOOHAHA.WAV and of course, TAG.TXT Then, type "TAG" to modify some stuff; Then load your favorite doom level or the original DOOM 1.2! Note: You WILL need: Doom 1.2, DEHACKED.EXE (DEHACK.ZIP on Compuserve), and DMAUD (DMAUD.ZIP, I think...) Special Note: This program backs up your original DOOM.EXE file, which will be modified with this program. To restore your original file, just type: "UNDOTAG" Last but not least: (Type "UNDOSND" to restore your original sound files, since this changes a few of them. You can undo the sound files without affecting the new TAG patch, but I thought it might be funner with the morons annoying you with their insane laughter.) Aaaaaaand........... My apologies if this program doesn't work as good for you, I only have a DX4/100, so I don't know how this will run on a slower computer. I guess you will be okay with a 486/33 or better, but try it anyway and see! -Greg 75437,1546