The DOOM .LMP Film Collection: Collector's Edition Title : The Pistol King Category : Hall of Fame Recorded by: Michael Houston Date : January 25, 1994 Episode : 1 Level: 8 Skill: Ultra Violent Summary: This is a flick documenting the account of a very courageous individual who finished Episode 1, Level 8 (the Final Level) using only a pistol. In December 1993, a contest was launched by Yours Truely, challenging any individual who could accomplish this same feat. This was to be the beginning of The Doom Hall of Fame. Needless to say, many DOOMERS met this challenge and surpassed it, making their own challenges. The original 'challange' clip by Mike was filmed for the 0.99 version, so it cannot be included here. However the following does exactly what he did, only more efficiently, thanks to the tricks learnt from others who achieved this feat (you know who you are!). Enjoy!