The DOOM .LMP Film Collection: Collector's Edition Title : Fist of Fury Category : Hall of Fame Recorded by: Michael Houston Date : March 2, 1994 Episode : 2 Level: 2 Skill: Ultra Violent Summary: Here's a challenge - complete this level only with your fists. Actually, this would be impossible if it wasn't for the nice Berzerker Kit near the beginning of the level. The .LMP is fun to watch because there's plenty of blood splattering all over the place from all the punching going on (Groovy!). I had a few near-death experiences as well (1% health), including one bit where I get unwillingly intimate with a crushing wall -- looked great on camera!! As of this date this is the hardest .LMP I've ever recorded. It must have taken at least 20 tries to accomplish this, which is apparent with by my frequent choreographed moves. I had to avoid one of the secret areas due to the time limit I had. I tried to do it before, but I got kicked out of the recording (WITHOUT THE .LMP FILE!) about 15 seconds from the finish. I know it's possible, but I'll save it for those who want to better this .LMP.