DSPISTOL Pistol fire DSSHOTGNShotgun fire (with cock) DSSGCOCK Shotgun cock DSSAWUP Chainsaw Start DSSAWIDL Chainsaw Idle DSSAWFULChainsaw with trigger pulled DSSAWHITChainsaw hitting monster DSRLAUNCRocket Launcher firing DSRXPLODBFG900 Round exploding DSFIRSHTRocket / Fireball passing by DSFIRXPL Rocket / Fireball hitting object DSPSTARTLift activated DSPSTOP Lift stopping DSDOROPNMechanical Door opening DSDORCLSMechanical Door closing DSSTNMOV Stairs rising DSSWTCHNSwitch closing DSSWTCHXSwitch DSPLPAINPlayer injured DSDMPAINFormer Human injured DSPOPAINFormer Human injured DSSLOP Slop! DSITEMUP Item pickup DSWPNUP Weapon pickup DSOOF Player hitting ground DSTELEPTPlayer / Monster teleport DSPOSIT1Former Human spotting Player DSPOSIT2Former Human spotting Player DSPOSIT3Former Human spotting Player DSBGSIT1Imp spotting Player DSBGSIT2Imp spotting Player DSSGTSITDemon / Spectre spotting Player DSBRSSITBarron of Hell spotting Player DSSGTATK!Demon / Spectre clawing at Player DSCLAW Demon / Spectre hitting Player DSPLDETH Player dying DSPODTH1Former Human dying DSPODTH2Former Human dying DSPODTH3Former Human dying DSBGDTH1 Imp dying DSBGDTH2 Imp dying DSSGTDTHDemon / Spectre dying DSBRSDTHBaron of Hell dying DSPOSACTFormer Human nearby DSBGACT Imps nearby DSDMACT Demon / Spectre nearby DSNOWAY Player push on wall DSBAREXPEnd level explosion DSPUNCH Player punching DSPLASMAPlasma Gun firing DSBFG BFG9000 firing DSCACSITCacodemon nearby DSCYBSITCyber Demon nearby DSSPISITDemon Spider nearby DSSKLATKLost Soul nearby DSCACDTHCacodemon dying DSSKLDTHPlayer Push on wall DSCYBDTHCyber Demon dying DSSPIDTHDemon Spider dying DSHOOF Cyber Demon walking DSMETAL Demon Spider walking DSTINK Unknown DSBDOPN Unknown DSBDCLS Unknown DSITMBK Item Respawn (Deathmatch v2.0)