Filename : STARSHP.ZIP Wad File : Starshp1.wad Replaces : E1M4 Notes : Part 1 of 2 Author : Doug Jacoby 70703,3074 Created w/: DEU / BSP (MANY THANKS!) Single player :yes Coop Multi - :yes Deathmatch : yes Difficulty settings : not implemented Creation time: 30 hours ------------------------------------------------------------------- The Story: After a routine period of diplomatic negotiations, you beam back aboard your starship only to find a body in the transporter room, and shotguns and shells all over the place!!! A quick scan of the console reveals your ship is under control of some wicked monstrosities from the south side of hell! Their course : straight to earth, with all weapons locked on! Can you make it to the bridge and stop the ship from its destructive mission? ==================================================================== Notes : A lot of work went into this WAD. I decided to split it into two oarts since I was already past 1500 vertices and 2000 segments, and DEU was begininig to bheave funny (It reported only 60k free memory at times). Part 1 ends as you make it to the second level of the saucer section of the ship. Part two will take it up from there. Let me know of any comments/suggestions, please. Thanks, and enjoy! SPOILERS: ___________________________________________________________________ ONLY READ AHEAD IF YOU ARE HAVING TROUBLE FINDING THE KEYS!!!!!! RED KEY - Found on level 2 (first transporter pod) in the WARP NACELLE section (furthermost rear of the level) YELLOW KEY - Found on level 3, in the TEK room (back of level, on the southern half of the corridors). To get to the Tek room, two levers need to be pushed, The first in the Catwalk/computer section, the second at the ultimate end of the southern corridor. Once in the TEK room, there is a lift in the southern/western corner that leads to the second floor with the key. Blue Key - Two levers need to be flipped to find it at corridors end 1st one is in the RED Jefferies tube section; the second is in the warp nacelles at the very end