To install run LBINST.EXE Note: These levels were created via many tools and utilities, some of our own and many others from other authors. We would like to point out in this demo we import the pictures using an awsome program called Dmaud (Version 1.0). We have renamed this file G.exe so it wont overwrite any new version you might already have in your doom directory. We would also like to recommend if you have the time to create levels to use some of the tools we use. See the file LB_ORDER.TXT to order more of our great DOOM levels. See the file RG_ORDER.TXT to order the Doom level editor we use. GRAVIS ULTRASOUND - We use and highly recommend the Gravis Ultrasound. No other sound card plays Doom with the same realism as this incredible sound card. We have used the GUS for recording all sound effects you hear in the game, so if you don't have a GUS you are not getting the full enjoyment of our levels. I can't describe in words the clarity of the sound you will hear. Also separate from the sound effects, there is the music. All I can say is the Gus makes it sound like the band is live in your home. (By the way it does this to your other games also). And most important, they don't charge an arm and a leg to get one. Why am I telling you all this ? We are releasing a level very soon that takes advantage of this card. This level and maybe many more will only work with the GUS. I hope Gravis does not mind that I am putting their phone number here but I want you to call and get this card if you can so call. Gravis 1-604-431-5020 ps. If you already love the GUS you might be interested to know they just came out with GREAT new card call the MAX. 16-bit recording, holographic sound, wave table, and more. If you haven't already ordered the original registered version of this incredible game. DO SO !!! Call 1-800-IDGAMES. (You can't play our levels until you Register the real game 1st.) Thanks and Enjoy.