***************************** WAD1TO2 v1.0 DOOM1 to DOOM2 PWAD converter by Tracy F. Thonn 11/3/94 ***************************** [1] BACKGROUND After spending many hours creating a PWAD level for DOOM I to look exactly like the building where I work, ID released DOOM II. Since I was not even finished my building and not about to redraw all those walls, I decided it would be easier to make a converter program and wrote WAD1TO2. WAD1TO2 simply maps DOOM1 levels, textures, music, and wall patch entries, that no longer exist, to their DOOM2 counterpart or a close replacement. The program uses an external text map file(WAD1TO2.MAP), which is customizable, to input the mapping information. Alternatively, a map file by a different name can be specified. By the way, my building is still only about 25% complete (the actual is over 200,000 sq.ft.). Also, for those of you "interested in knowing", I'm 32 years old; and it's Mr. Tracy (not Miss). [2] FILES DESCRIPTION WAD1TO2.EXE...........main program * WAD1TO2.MAP...........default map file used for conversions * WAD1TO2.TXT...........this documentation WAD1TO2.C.............source code for wad1to2.exe STRUCTS.H.............header file for source code FILE_ID.DIZ...........description file MAKEMAP.ZIP: MAKEMAP.EXE.......program to created starter WAD1TO2.MAP file MAKEMAP.C.........source code for makemap.exe STRUCTS.H.........header file for source code MAKEMAP.MAP.......map created by running makemap.exe from DOOM1/2 drive TEXTURE.ALL.......list of all wall texture names for Doom1 and Doom2 FLOORTXT.ALL......list of all floor/ceiling textures for Doom1 and Doom2 WPATCH.ALL........list of all wall patch names for Doom1 and Doom2 SOUNDS.ALL........list of all the sound names for Doom1 and Doom2 * only files marked are required to run program [3] COPYRIGHT DOOM is a registered trademark of id Software. WAD1TO2 (c) 1994 was created by Tracy F. Thonn. WAD1TO2 is NOT an id Software product. WAD1TO2 is free and may be used as you wish with this one exception: You may NOT charge any fee or derive any profit for distribution of WAD1TO2. Thus, you may NOT sell or bundle WAD1TO2 with any product in a retail environment (shareware disk distribution, CD-ROM, etc.) without permission of the author. You may give WAD1TO2 to your friends, upload it to a BBS, or ftp it to another internet site, as long as you don't charge anything for it. [4] DISCLAIMER WAD1TO2 v1.0 was designed to handle about 90% of the basic PWADs now circulating, but was tested on only a handful. So I give no guarantees of the results, especially with really hacked PWAD files. Use WAD1TO2 at your own risk. Anything you do with WAD1TO2 is your responsibility, and not the author's. Any damage caused to any person, computer, software, hardware, company, or business by running WAD1TO2 is your responsibility, and the author will not be liable. If you don't understand these terms, or are not sure of something, or are afraid something bad might come of using WAD1TO2, don't use it! You are here forewarned. The author of WAD1TO2 will not provide support other than this documentation. The author of WAD1TO2 reserves the right to add or remove any functionality of the WAD1TO2 software. [5] INSTALLATION To install, simply copy both WAD1TO2.EXE and WAD1TO2.MAP into the same directory from which you wish to run the program. [6] USAGE To use WAD1TO2 in it's simplest form, enter the DOS command line as follows: WAD1TO2 {-s} where: doom1.wad...input DOOM1 pwad file to be converted doom2.wad...output pwad file for use with DOOM2 -s...optional switch to convert Shotguns to Super Shotguns For example, to convert myfile1.wad in my DOOM directory to myfile2.wad in the current directory and convert all shotguns to super shotguns: WAD1TO2 \doom\myfile1.wad myfile2.wad -s WAD1TO2 will first copy myfile1.wad to myfile2.wad, then convert myfile2.wad using the WAD1TO2.MAP file. myfile1.wad will be left unchanged. [7] MAPPING FILE The mapfile used by WAD1TO2 contains text string pairs. WAD1TO2 inputs the information from the mapfile in pairs of text, so each entry must be a text1 text2 pair separated by spaces, where text1 and text2 can be at most 8 characters. text1 is a texture name or PWAD directory entry in the input PWAD to be replaced. text2 is the texture name or PWAD directory entry that text1 is mapped to. The mapfile is divided into sections with headers to tell WAD1TO2 the type of the map pairs that follow (up until the next header is reached). Only the following described headers are recognized by WAD1TO2: [level1 level2] for mapping DOOM1 levels to the counterpart DOOM2 maps [textur1 textur2] for mapping DOOM1 wall textures that no longer exist to DOOM2 wall textures [patch1 patch2] for mapping custom wall patches for DOOM1 that no longer exist to DOOM2 wall patches(like the custom SKY1 patch in FOREST.WAD by Jean-Serge Gagnon) * [floor1 floor2] for mapping DOOM1 floor/ceiling textures that no longer exist to DOOM2 floor/ceiling textures [sound1 sound2] for mapping custom DOOM1 sound entries that no longer exist to DOOM2 sounds * [music1 music2] for mapping replacement DOOM1 music entries to their counterpart DOOM2 music names (like the D_E1M1 music entry in FOREVE.WAD by Kathy Brown) * [demo1 void2] for mapping old demo entries to unused entries names so DOOM2 (or DOOM1 v1.666) doesn't reject them * * Note: most basic PWADs don't contain any entries of these types. All other entry pairs that begin with [ are ignored, so comment text PAIRS can be included like: [Wad1to2 Mapfile] So for example the mapfile entries [level1 level2] E1M1 MAP01 [textur1 textur2] LITE2 LITE3 tell WAD1TO2 to convert the E1M1 level for DOOM1 into the first level for DOOM2, and replace the LITE2 texture everywhere used to the LITE3 texture. [8] WAD1TO2.MAP The provided WAD1TO2.MAP file was generated by running the included program MAKEMAP.EXE. MAKEMAP opens the \DOOM\DOOM.WAD and \DOOM2\DOOM2.WAD and extracts all wall texture names, floor/ceiling texture names, wall patch names, and sound names. It then compares those in DOOM1 with those in DOOM2 to find the ones that no longer exist. It then creates a mapping entry for each DOOM1 item that no longer exists by mapping it to a corresponding DOOM2 item with the most matching first few characters. It also generates the level and music mapping entries. MAKEMAP creates the following files: makemap.map - starter mapfile for use with wad1to2.exe texture.all - list of all wall texture names for Doom1 and Doom2 wpatch.all - list of all wall patch names for Doom1 and Doom2 floortxt.all - list of all floor and ceiling textures for Doom1 and Doom2 sounds.all - list of all the sound names for Doom1 and Doom2 I then copied MAKEMAP.MAP to WAD1TO2.MAP and made a few changes based on my preferences. If after converting a PWAD, you are not satisfied with a certain texture mapping, the WAD1TO2.MAP entry for that mapping can be customized by replacing the 2nd texture in the entry with a new DOOM2 texture from column 2 of the texture.all file. Note: Entries in WAD1TO2.MAP should not be deleted since it contains the items that no longer exist in DOOM2 and must be mapped to something new in order for the PWAD to work with DOOM2. Note: WAD1TO2.MAP contains no floor/ceiling or sound mapping entries because all of the names used in DOOM1 still exist in DOOM2. [9] OTHER USES The mapfile WAD1TO2.WAD was created specifically to convert DOOM1 PWADs for use with DOOM2. However WAD1TO2.EXE can be used to make other conversions in a PWAD by creating a custom mapfile. To use a custom mapfile, use the DOS command line: WAD1TO2 {-s} where: mapfile.map...custom mapfile input.wad...input pwad file to be converted output.wad...output pwad file -s...optional switch to convert Shotguns to Super Shotguns ***use -s only for DOOM2 output.wad files*** Example 1: To convert a DOOM1 PWAD level from E1M1 to E3M1, use a mapfile with only the following in it: [level1 level2] E1M1 E3M1 Example 2: To convert all walls in a PWAD with texture TEKWALL1 to TEKWALL4, use a mapfile with only the following in it: [textur1 textur2] TEKWALL1 TEKWALL4 Example 3: To convert all floors in a PWAD with texture NUKAGE1 to NUKAGE2, use a mapfile with only the following in it: [floor1 floor2] NUKAGE1 NUKAGE2 Example 4: To convert a DOOM2 PWAD level from MAP01 to MAP16, use a mapfile with only the following in it: [level1 level2] MAP01 MAP16 [10] SUGGESTIONS / COMMENTS EMAIL: TracyFT@aol.com P.S. I don't guarantee a reply, so don't expect it!!! [11] CREDITS Matt Fell (matt.burnett@acebbs.com) Author of the Unofficial Doom Specs. Making this program would have been impossible if the Specs didn't exist. Colin Reed (colin@argonaut.com) Programmer of the great BSP node builder, by which I rely to repair the bugs created by other editors' built-in node builders. His source code and structs.h files provided a headstart in creating WAD1TO2.