DOOM2 Three-Player Deathmatch Demo This is a demo recording of a three player DOOM 2 deathmatch game that my friends and I made. We played with -NOMONSTERS in effect so we wouldn't get distracted, and we used the "-TIMER 5" parameter so each level would end after five minutes. We also ran it with the -ALTDEATH option. This demo unzips to about 1 meg and runs for about 45 minutes, so sit back and enjoy. The players are: Alex = Green guy (the good player ;-) Eric = Gray guy Dave = Brown guy (me !) When you play this demo, you MUST use this command: DOOM2 -PLAYDEMO 3PDMATCH -TIMER 5 Dont forget to leave the .lmp extension off, and don't forget the "-TIMER 5", or you'll confuse the game when you run it. Remember, you can hit F12 to watch the game from other players' viewpoints, and you can hit TAB to watch everyone run around on the automap. Hopefully, we'll have four players next weekend so we can make a four-player recording! >:->