--------------------------------------------------------------- PPPPP SSSS A V V EEEEE RRRRR P P H H III SSSS H H S A A V V E R R P P H H I S H H SSSS A A V V E R R PPPPP HHHHH I SSSS HHHHH S AAAAA V V EEEE RRRRR P H H I S H H S A A VV E R R P H H III SSSSS H H SSSSS A A V EEEEE R R PhishSaver ver 1.5 Copyright Peter Provost --------------------------------------------------------------- Phish Phans! Phishsaver is a Windows 3.1 screensaver with full color Phish floating around on the screen. Requirements: Windows 3.1 vbrun300.dll available by anonymous ftp to extreme.cica.indiana.edu /pub/pc/win3/util/vbrun300.exe (self-extracting zip) Freeware: This program is freeware. It may be distributed freely, but please keep all of the files together. I have not recieved any permission to use the Phish name or logo, so please DO NOT send any money, or charge any money for this program. This does not include Connection Fees or cost of media. Installation: 1. Using the File Manager, copy the file phishsav.scr to your windows directory, usually c:\windows. 2. In the Control Panel, select Desktop. In the Screen Saver section select PhishSaver. Press OK. Close Control Panel. Thats' It. Soon you will have Phish on your screen! Setup: PhishSaver initially has only 1 Phish, but the Setup option in the Screen Saver section of the Control Panel can fix that. Select from 1-4 Phish. ---------------------------------------------------------------