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In our previous issue we examined new ways to view old files and where to retrieve them from, such as how to download and display ANSI art on a modern PC. We covered our most contemporary releases, current events, and plotted out future parties we'll be attending both near and far, like Def Con 11 (2003) and Assembly (2004). Circulation of this newsletter is made only to a select group of people. Inclusion to this list signifies that you are or once were an active part of the original ANSi Creators in Demand or ACiD Productions (LLC), a fraternity of artists, coders and the like that shared a common interest to routinely and relentlessly push the envelope of what is considered to be "achievable" in any given medium. ...CURRENT EVENTS ACiD-99, our last "normal" artpack has been released. Finally, we can wholly focus on everything that is covered within the scope of ACiD-100. Just over a month ago two senior ACiD members and two senior iCE members were filmed for a video documentary on the days of the BBS. A teaser clip is available in QuickTime and Windows Media Format (WMV) at: http://www.bbsdocumentary.com/photos/vidcaps/ In June we released yet another amazing music disk, pHluid volume 46. This solo album features over 77 minutes of ambient and experimental music by the founder of pHluid, Pinion. This July we presented the world with the sixth generation of our renowned image viewer: ACiD View 6 for Microsoft Windows. AV6 supports many of the old familiar features from our DOS version, as well as several new ones. Reception of the viewer has been overwhelmingly supportive by the masses, with over 1,200 confirmed downloads within the first week of it's release, not including IRC and other P2P transfers. (See the Links section for the URL to download ACiD View 6.) As always, all files are available from our website, www.acid.org, via the Current and Info sections. Older releases may be found under Archives. ...THE PRODUCT 3 If you are interested in contributing an article of some sort to our electronic magazine, The Product #3, there is still time. We have established a grace period for submissions which is in sync with ACiD-100. Articles turned in before October 31st, 2003, may be accepted. Off the top of my head I can think of several dozen concepts for chapters in a book let alone small articles for a magazine. The theme of this magazine is truly restrospective in nature, and as a result it is chalk full of autobiographical texts and the like. There is no size or length limit, but if it looks like what you're writing is going to exceed 8 pages please consider breaking it up in to seperate articles. If you would like to read suggestions for topics to cover or to catch up on back issues of The Product (and other magazines) please refer to the FAQ and ACiD-100 Project Newsletter #2. ...ACiD RULES "What type of artwork or articles will be accepted...?" Virtually any form of digital art (within reason) will be allowed in ACiD-100. However there are a few basic rules: General Requirements: 1. Must be an original, unreleased work of art. 2. Must NOT be commercial or contain copyright material (unless a written release is provided). 3. Must occupy less than 25mb of disk space. Textmode/BBS graphics: 1. ANSI - Please do not draw on the 80th column as this will FUBAR the display of your artwork on a good number of viewers. If you will be including ANSImation, please limit yourself to a display area of 79x23 (out of 80x25). TheDraw 4.6x or ACiDDraw 1.25r are the recommended editors for this format. 2. ASCII - Please specify what character set and aspect ratio you used on the first page of your artwork. i.e. "View in 80x50 mode" or "View with Amiga Topaz font". Also avoid drawing on the 80th column at all costs to maximize viewer compatibility. ACiDDraw or Empathy 0.98 is recommended for this medium. 3. BIN - XBIN is preferred over BIN, but please pre-SAUCE including the dimensions of the image when using this format. ACiDDraw is recommended for this medium. 4. XBIN - This is the choice medium for all text graphics unless of course you are going to be utilizing animation. XBIN guarantees the viewer will see the exact same character set used by the artist. Empathy 0.98 for DOS or PabloDraw for Windows are the recommended editors for this format. 5. RIPscrip - Some editors vary in the way they calculate how certain functions of RIP should be handled such as bezier curves. Believe it or not, this can lead to disastrous problems when it comes to the displaying of RIP over various terminal programs and viewers. For this reason we recommend our own de facto standard editor, Tombstone Artist 2.00. High-resolution graphics: Only three still image formats will be allowed in ACiD-100. Our first choice is PNG, which is strongly preferred over all others due to it being free of patents, licensing issues and its ability to achieve lossless compression with TrueColor support. If necessary, JPEG/JFIF and GIF will be accepted. Standard video-mode resolutions are preferred but not required. Suggested image sizes are: 320x200 (MCGA), 640x480 (VGA), 800x600 (SVGA), 1024x768 (XGA), 1280x1024 (SXGA), and 1600x1200 (UXGA). Animation/Demos: Demos and multimedia video animations will be accepted. 1. Coded executables - Intros and demos need to be compatible with Windows XP with a standard 3D graphics card such as an ATI Radeon or nVidia GeForce. The user should be able to press Escape to quit at any time. 2. Web Browser animations - HTML, FlashMX, Shockwave Director MX and Java demos will be accepted. Please ensure compatibility with Internet Explorer 6.x and Netscape 7.x browsers. All files must be called locally and must not make calls or load from files on a remote site. 3. Digital Video - MPEG and MPEG-2 are the only accepted formats for digital video. Standard resolutions and framerates are preferred. Please convert AVI, DivX, QuickTime, etc., to one of these formats. Music, Speech and Audio: 1. Tracked modules - The following mod formats will be accepted: MOD, 669, S3M, XM and IT. 2. Non-tracked music and audio - MP3 and OGG will be accepted. Please encode at a bitrate of either 192kbps/44khz or 192kbps/48khz. VBR is allowed. Something else: We are open to unique ideas if you'd like to release something we haven't touched on here. Just ask! "...And when is the deadline?" The drop dead date to turn in something for this project is October 31st, 2003. ...COUNT DOWN TO DEF CON 11 It appears I won't be the only member of the group in attendance at Defcon 11 this year. In two weeks I'll be travelling to the Alexis Park Hotel in Las Vegas with my brother, meeting about a dozen ACiD members from various periods of time. It appears I've clearly under estimated the number of "first rounds" I'll be purchasing. =) I've created an Evite page for ACiD members going to DC11. If you plan on going and would like to be added, send me an email. ...LINKS Below are links to files referenced within this newsletter. Previous issues of this newsletter are available at: http://www.acid.org/radman/acid-100/acid-100_news-1.txt http://www.acid.org/radman/acid-100/acid-100_news-2.txt http://www.acid.org/radman/acid-100/acid-100_news-3.txt Et cetera. The ACiD-100 FAQ http://www.acid.org/radman/acid-100/acid-100.faq.txt ACiD View 6.00 for Microsoft Windows *NEW* http://www.acid.org/ftp/avw-600.zip ACiDDraw 1.25r for DOS ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/programs/dos/editors/adraw125.zip Empathy 0.98 for DOS *NEW* http://www.acid.org/ftp/emp0981p.zip TheDraw 4.63 for DOS ftp://ftp.cdrom.com/pub/artpacks/programs/dos/editors/tdraw463.zip PabloDraw 2.0.5 for Windows http://pablodraw.sourceforge.net/download.html ...STATISTICS The primary goal of Phase 1 (see FAQ) was to reach a majority of our roster by the end of June 2003. I'm proud to announce that this has been met. 50.37% of the group is in the loop. A new campaign will begin this month now that ACiD-99 is out of the way. We are going to begin openly announcing to the public some of our intentions with ACiD-100. This should help reach a few more old timers who we were not able to contact by active means during the first phase of the project. Next issue we will be tracking stats for submissions to the artpack and magazine. Maybe my phonebill too. If you've kept in touch with a fellow ACiD member over the years, you're definitely encouraged to forward this message along so that they may have a chance to partake in this ultimate production. Unique ACiD members (1990-2002): 673 (---) Members notified of ACID-100: 339 (+55) Emails received in June, 2003: 2,241 (+327) ...CLOSING In the next issue I'd like to tackle the question of what lies ahead in the future for ACiD once this dynasty has concluded, where I see our organizations heading, and how you can get involved. Late, RaD Man -- Christian Wirth aka RaD Man (mailto: radman@acid.org) Senior Advisor and Founder, ACiD Productions fax: 1.309.408.7232 Post Office Box 24523 fax: 1.775.854.6161 San Jose, CA 95154-4523 http://www.acid.org U.S.A. aim:goim?screenname=ACiD+Productions EFnet IRC: radman ICQ: 15175140 :://\\ (( || ||)) ~